Our Abundance Based Leadership Programs:
Program Goals;
1/ Establish an Abundance Based Leadership foundation
2/ Prevent Burn Out by proactively optimizing Leadership Health and Performance
3/ Enhanced Leadership Engagement and Fulfillment
4/ Support Leadership retention and attraction
Burn Out Prevention Series (BOPS)
Your options are to run individual sessions or a series of sessions from the menu below as you look to address a particular cultural/organizational need or interest. Your investment is based on the number of participants.
Ideal Audience: On or Off site Leadership meetings, all staff meetings, Conferences
This series involves a Burn Bright kick off session followed by the Nature of Work program and wraps up with a session focused on getting the audience to regain their right to a great night of sleep. The content of the sessions that create this program are listed below. Your investment is based on the number of participants.
Ideal Audience: Executive or Sr Leadership teams with the initial and wrap up sessions being ideal for on or offsite meetings.
BOPS - 3
This series involves a Burn Bright kick off session followed by the Nature of Work program and wraps up with a session focused on getting the audience to regain their right to a great night of sleep. We then add three months of one-on-one coaching/support to allow for additional personalization dimensions to take hold. The content of the sessions that create this program are listed below. Your investment is based on the number of participants.
Ideal Audience: Executive or Sr Leadership teams with the initial and wrap up sessions being ideal for on or offsite meetings.
Book a Program
To book a session, please contact Rick at either 780-803-9712 or at calmwaterlifestyles@outlook.com