Our Abundance Based Leadership Programs:
Program Goals;
1/ Establish an Abundance Based Leadership foundation
2/ Prevent Burn Out by proactively optimizing Leadership Health and Performance
3/ Enhanced Leadership Engagement and Fulfillment
4/ Support Leadership retention and attraction
Burn Out Prevention Series (BOPS)
Your options are to run individual sessions or a series of sessions from the menu below as you look to address a particular cultural/organizational need or interest. Your investment is based on the number of participants.
Ideal Audience: On or Off site Leadership meetings, all staff meetings, Conferences
This series involves a Burn Bright kick off session followed by the Nature of Work program and wraps up with a session focused on getting the audience to regain their right to a great night of sleep. The content of the sessions that create this program are listed below. Your investment is based on the number of participants.
Ideal Audience: Executive or Sr Leadership teams with the initial and wrap up sessions being ideal for on or offsite meetings.
BOPS - 3
This series involves a Burn Bright kick off session followed by the Nature of Work program and wraps up with a session focused on getting the audience to regain their right to a great night of sleep. We then add three months of one-on-one coaching/support to allow for additional personalization dimensions to take hold. The content of the sessions that create this program are listed below. Your investment is based on the number of participants.
Ideal Audience: Executive or Sr Leadership teams with the initial and wrap up sessions being ideal for on or offsite meetings.
Burning Bright vs Burning Out - The Making of a Corporate Athlete (75-90 mins)
Too many business owners and leaders are spending their health in pursuit of wealth and this often leads to burn out and even more regrettable outcomes. In this highly competitive business landscape we need to modify our behaviors so that we can perform at a high level on a sustained basis while we creating the healthiest, happiest and most productive version of ourselves. Our time together will have us discussing and reflecting on the following:
1/ Is Stress really the problem?
2/ Oscillating between energy exertion and energy recovery.
3/ What is Relentless Linearity and why does it matter
4/ What are the components of a High Performance Pyramid?
5/ Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual Recovery Behaviors
6/ Creating a Burn Bright recipe?
SLEEP - The Ultimate High Performance Drug (75-90 mins)
Quality sleep is said to be the number one health enhancing activity that we can engage in, and yet statistics continue to highlight the significant sleep disruption and deprivation that is pervasive in society today. The price that we are paying in terms of our long term health and short term productivity are dramatic. Business leaders regrettably tend to experience greater levels of fragmented sleep due to stress, travel, and many other behavioral choices that they are making that are known sleep disruptors. The good news is that business leaders tend to be more receptive to change and this means that quality sleep is within our grasp. During our time together we will engage in an energized dialogue on:
1/ Current statistics that highlight the magnitude of the fragmented sleep issue and the risks associated with poor quality sleep.
2/ What healthy sleep architecture looks like.
3/ What does your sleep scorecard look like?
4/ What actually happens to our body when we sleep and why should we prioritize sleep.
5/ What are the major sleep disruptors.
6/ How do we address these disruptors and enjoy the benefits of great sleep.
Nature of Work
An 8 week facilitated program that helps you to live a Life of Abundance. Each week you do 1 hour of self study, incorporate new behaviors into your day, complete daily journaling in your NOW (Nature of Work) field Guide, participate in a 1 hour virtual group session and enjoy a 15 minute one on one with the facilitator to ensure that you are able to personalize the program.
Week 1 - Kick Off and program Introduction
Week 2 - Win Your Day - Build a solid morning routine
Week 3 - Take Control - Gain mindful control of your technology habits
Week 4 - Get Focused - Create the conditions for deep focus
Week 5 - Own Your Time - Set priorities and structure your time
Week 6 - Unlock Creativity - Unlock the power of creative thinking
Week 7 - Recharge - Learn how to conquer the ultimate biohack: sleep
Week 8 - Wrap up
SLEEP - The Swiss Army Knife of Health & Performance (45 mins)
Sleep is intricately tied to our health and performance. When we take the time to fully understanding what healthy sleep architecture looks like, we will end up gaining an appreciation for the various phases, cycles and stages of sleep and how they impact on our health and performance. Exploration of the amazing benefits of sleep to our brain and body can help us to recommit ourselves to adopting the behaviors associated with quality sleep. So what are the practical lifestyle choices that we can make in order to routinely enjoy great sleep? During this session we will cover the following;
1/ Create context and awareness for the damaging impacts of sleep deprivation.
2/ Explore what healthy sleep architecture looks like?
3/ Discuss the key benefits to our brains and body that come with quality sleep.
4/ Review the practical behaviors that you can adopt in order to optimize your sleep.
Leadership Well-being - A Risk Mitigation Strategy (45 mins)
Is having a healthy leadership team a nice to have or need to have? What impacts take place on a business when a business leader gets derailed by a health issue? Do you see Health as a unique asset class within your organization? How do we prevent these occurrences and de-risk the business in the process? We will talk about re-calibrating our thinking around proactively managing our organizations most important asset, its leaders.
1/ Together we will complete a high level health assessment and discuss the results.
2/ We will look at relevant health statistics that create context for a Leadership Wellbeing program.
3/ We discuss how health issues can impact on core business fundamentals like a shareholders agreement or the valuation of a company
4/ We then discuss the 4 main business practices that create relevancy for a Leadership Wellbeing program and review possible structures for a Leadership Wellbeing program
Book a Program
To book a session, please contact Rick at either 780-803-9712 or at calmwaterlifestyles@outlook.com