Calm Water Lifestyles Roots
TEC Canada Rookie Speaker of the Year: Rick Tiedemann
TEC Canada 2021 Speaker Award Winners -
Congratulations Rick
We are delighted to announce the award-winning speakers for 2021! Congratulations and thank-you for all you do and have done for our members. TEC Canada speakers are selected based on their consistently high ratings, positive member feedback and how well they work the TEC community.
About Rick:
As the Chief Abundance Officer for Calm Water Lifestyles, Rick will tell you that while he has been enthusiastically engaged in the corporate world for 40 years, he has only truly worked for the Tiedemann Corporation. His partnering with various organizations was, and is vital, as it is through these partnerships that the Tiedemann Corporation and its shareholders (Rick, his wife, their 3 kids, their spouses/partners and 5 grandchildren) are able to thrive in a manner that they enjoy.
Rick’s experience with Burn Out a number of yrs ago brought into focus for him the fact that knowledge is not power. Rather, it is the application of knowledge that is and that we are truly the sum of our decisions. Since that time he has made significant lifestyle changes to ensure that he is able to create abundance for himself and those he cares deeply about.
Rick’s professional passions have always included a combination of health and business interests. In 2012 Rick chose to follow his “Why” and opened a Private Healthcare center in Edmonton were he focused on Corporate Health. His 40 years in the corporate marinade have helped to fuel his current passion which is to create a new narrative around Leadership Wellbeing and to get leaders to think about Leadership Health Programming as a vital risk mitigation strategy within their businesses. He speaks extensively with various leadership forums (CEO, YPO, EO, TEC etc), Executive teams and other leadership groups to help them to appreciate how they can become Corporate Athletes and create the healthiest and highest performing version of themselves. A key ingredient in the Corporate Athlete recipe is sleep and this allows Rick to share his extensive experience in the neuroscience world as he creates enthusiasm for SLEEP being the Ultimate High Performance Drug”.
His personal passions include waterskiing, making log beds and antler chandeliers, aquatic ecosystem stewardship, building homes and spending as much time as possible at the lake with friends and family.
Where did the Name Calm Water Lifestyles come from?
Sitting on the end of the dock at 7:50 am, I am looking out over the lake that is void of any ripples and is reflectively calm. No other boats, no other people and no technology. Just me and my amazing wife Jackie. We are eagerly waiting for 8:00 am as we don’t like to start the boat any earlier than that and disturb others who are also enjoying the morning tranquility.
I have already done my stretching, had a nice warm drink and stood on the deck getting my fill of Vitamin N (Nature).
It is during these special mornings that I am happy, focused, and well aware that I only have one cerebral tab open and that is my “I can’t wait to get on my ski and push myself to the max” tab. Eight o’clock magically arrives and it is time to enjoy one of my biggest passions and to start the morning fulfilling my commitment to myself to start each day creating personal Abundance. Starting each day with a dedication to my physical, emotional, mental and spiritual Abundance sets me on a daily course that ensures that I have the capacity to create Abundance for those around me.
These are such great mornings. A few years ago I started asking myself why I wouldn’t structure my work world to also allow me to start my day with experiencing joy and creating a daily kick off routine that enhanced my personal Abundance. I decided that it was finally time to build my Abundance recipe and have never looked back. Now, irrespective of where I am, each morning starts with Calm Water and I have a healthier Lifestyle that has me solidly on a Burn Bright Path.
And that is how the name Calm Water Lifestlyes came into being.